Keep You Safe by Melissa Hill is definitely a page turner. It's almost comparable to The Scarlet Letter in a sense that two mothers are being shunned and demonized (one more than the other) for not vaccinating their children who ultimately expose others to a disease. It's a great read on herd immunity, helicopter parenting, and how quickly others are to judge. It is emotional and takes the reader on a journey pulling for a young girl and her mother unable to catch a break; first with the death of the patriarch in the family and next coping with a potentially deadly illness. Set in modern day, I can easily relate to it as I am a mother of three and constantly feel as though mothers are always judging, gossiping, competing, and providing unsolicited advice on parenting. It may not be for all audience types, but it definitely is something I would recommend to my age group! #4 Mrs. Staples
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