Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Crown of Pearl and Pearl by Mara Rutherford

Twin sisters, Sadie and Nor have spent the majority of their young lives preparing for the opportunity to be chosen to marry the Prince of Ilara. To be chosen, one must be the most beautiful maiden in the land of Varenia. The people of Varenia have been forced to live on the water and answer to the Kingodom of Illara for hundreds of  years. Sending a bride is one way to appease the Illarians. Despite being in love with Sami, Sadie is chosen to marry the Prince. When Sadie is injured, Nor is blamed. She takes Sadie's place without revealing her true identity to the Illarians. Upon Nor's arrival in Ilara, she finds out that the Prince is cruel and has terrible plans for people of Varinia. Nor must do everything she can to try and keep her people of Varinia safe. Fantasy fans will find Crown of Coral and Pearl appealing. Nor is a strong character who continues to show her fortitude. I've already ordered the sequel because I can't wait to find out what happens next.

Monday, October 26, 2020

In Another Time by Caroline Leech


Maisie leaves  home in 1942 to join the Women's Timber Corps as a lumberjill and support the war effort. Her parents refuse to communicate with Maisie once she leaves, and Maise must deal with a bossy superior named Violet. Yet despite these challenges, Maise thrives in her new environment, makes several new friends, and enjoys the rigorous, outdoor work. When Maisie meets the handsome John Lindsay, she learns that things are not always what they seem. After a terrible logging accident, Maisie realizes she has more strength than she knew. Be sure to read the acknowledgements and Author's note In Another Time to find out more about the lumberjills and some of their history.

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Faking Normal by Courtney Stevens


Realistic Fiction is one of my favorite genres, and Faking Normal  by Courtney Stevens does not disappoint in any way. Something terrible happened to Alexi over the summer, but she can't tell anyone. Instead she hides her emotional pain and the physical pain she is inflicting on herself from everyone. Something terrible also happened to Bodee, the quiet boy who lives next door. His dad killed his mom. Everyone knows. When Alexi's parents allow Bodee come live with them, Alexi finds out that Bodee might be the person to help her finally face what happened and start to heal. 

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Vanishing Girls by Lauren Oliver

Two sisters. They used to be inseparable, but then there was the accident. The one that has left Dara refusing to speak to anyone including her sister, Nick. Nick isn't exactly sure why Dara won't speak to her or what has caused Dara to change so much, but she is determined to find out out. Nick spends the summer working at FanLand, the local amusement park with Parker, Nick's best friend until Dara kissed him. Then Dara and another girl disappear. Nick must find out what happened to Dara and ten year old Madeline Snow before it is is too late. 

Monday, March 23, 2020

Send by Patty Blount

Dan wants to lay low at his new school, but he can’t help but intervene when he sees a boy named Brandon about to be beaten up. Dan’s desire for anonymity is because he doesn’t want anyone to find out who he really is...a convicted sex offender who spent 9 months in juvenile detention after a social media post led to a boy’s suicide. He didn't mean for any of this to happen, and his time in juvenile detention has left many physical and mental scars. His grandfather won't speak to him, and Dan just cannot forgive himself for what he did. As he starts to make new friends, Dan tries to start living a normal life and make sure Brandon is okay.

I really enjoyed Send. It was such a quick read and so relevant to what goes into today's world. Clicking SEND is so easy, but it is so important to stop and think about the repercussions.

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

The Whole Thing Together by Ann Brashares

This book has taken me months to finish. I'm not sure why. It just did. I read The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants series by Ann Brashares years ago, so when I saw this on our shelves, I decided to read it. I love the concept behind the story. Two families are split by a bitter divorce. There are children from the first marriage and one child on each side that is not related. One of the agreements after the divorce included sharing the vacation house. This means that during the summer and on weekends, the families rotate out of the house, but the shared children stay. That just leaves Sasha (girl) and Ray (boy) to share a room even though they have never met in over 16 years. If it sounds complicated, it is. The names are confusing, but there is a chart in the front of the book to help. As the story unfolds, Sasha and Ray's connection becomes very clear. Their lives are completely intertwined even though they have never met. There is no doubt they will meet; it's just a matter of when and what will happen when they finally do.

Friday, March 13, 2020

The 57 Bus by Dashka Slater

Sasha is a white, middle-classed teenager who lives in Oakland, California and attends a small private school. Sasha is gender-nonconforming and is referenced throughout the book using the pronoun "them." Richard is a black teen who lives in a high-crime neighborhood and attends a large public school in Oakland, California. This is important to see the contrast of lives. Their paths cross one day while riding the same bus and an unfortunate prank turns into a painful and highly publicized traumatic event for both teens. The reader is taken through the viewpoints of Richard and Sasha, so it's appreciated to be able to see/hear/read both party's emotions through their testimonies. I highly recommend this nonfiction book to any reader to see and experience the harsh realities of human beings, but also the remorse people feel after committing such harsh acts of hatred. It allows the reader to see both sides to the story and sympathize with both parties versus passing judgment or being completely one-sided.

Crown of Pearl and Pearl by Mara Rutherford

Twin sisters, Sadie and Nor have spent the majority of their young lives preparing for the opportunity to be chosen to marry the Prince of I...